'I can't help that you look like an angel, can't help I wanna kiss you in the rain.'
That song means a lot to me right now :)
I'm tan/burnt and tomorrow is the first soccer game of the season. I'm hoping and praying that I can survive tomorrow's game with stress fractured stupid foot. We shall see :)
I will be an adult in two days! Needless to say, I'm so excited...alot. I'm going to Chipotle with my dear friend Jill who is home from college. I love her. She's the only person that actually understands my huge vocabulary. That is very cool.
I just looked back at my list of things to get done in March and I'm pretty sure I didn't do half of the things on there but I did some!
I did:
1) I bought my Canon t2i :D bigsmileyface.
2) Organized the heck out of my room. I still have a good feeling about that :)
3) I was myself.
4) I was inspired.
And now for my April list:
1) Love my friends for who they are and appreciate them more.
2) Play more guitar.
3) Listen to more switch foot and coldplay.
4) Think before I fall.
5) Get JT and I's music group going :D
6) Read my Bible more.
And this was a super long post but it was needed :)
Peace out.