Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Day

Oh beautiful day! I woke up to the amazing text I've received in awhile and it said SNOW DAY! I smiled and laid in bed for a few minutes and then with my usual nerdiness got up and studied Italian for an hour. Then it was back to bed for me!
At about ten, I got up and made myself some coffee~but shhhh..that's a secret. I'm not technically supposed to have caffiene due to my arrythmia but sometimes I can't help it :)
I then headed out for a photoshoot in the snow. I almost froze to death but all for the sake of photography, right?
Today I sent off three letters to some of my closest friends on this planet. One letter went to New York to my dear friend, Rose Wagner. Another went to Oklahoma to my 'adopted' cousin Jess and the last to the only person with whom I can be truly retarded and get away with it (most of the time, we just laugh and try to talk to each other which results in this incomprehensible gibberish that only we understand) Sarah Leffler.
Tomorrow is Valentine's day... hmm, mixed emotions about this date.
Io habbitiamo en Parigi. I wish :)

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