Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today, despite the beautiful sunshiney 70 degree weather, I was feeling pretty cloudy. It was just one of those days where nothing really goes wrong but at the same time, nothing goes right. My day did get significantly better after reading for an hour with a friend (both of our moms worked and couldn't pick us up right away...oh the joys of being highschool seniors and still not having a car!). I then, like the nerd that I am, went to a library with my dad and wrote and read a book and theeeennnn did the most non-nerdiest thing I did all day, which was to go running.
Soccer season is next week and I am pumped! Hopefully we have a soccer team...but if we don't, I'll probably play for another league, which is completely fine with me.
Well, I'm off to study Italian!

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