Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mumford&Sons, Amongst Other Things

Today, July 24, Mumford & Sons announced that they were coming out with a new cd. Upon receiving that news, I immediately pre-ordered the new album and it will be shipped September 25! I am so so excited. Hopefully it's just as good as their previous albums! Have I mentioned that I'm excited?

Today, I also worked for my first time on the floor at Macy's and loved it! The people I worked with and my customers were all great and I had a blast. I made friends with the sweet old man whose wife had recently passed away. He was so sweet! I hope he comes back again sometime soon.

I feel like going to the library and reading War & Peace for a couple of hours. I need to be somewhere where I can concentrate due to the amount of French in the book that I have to decipher. Well, I think I'll head that way!

Peace out world!


P.S. I just saw a picture of Christian Bale. SUCH a heartthrob. He is proof that perfect men do indeed exist.


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