Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Gang

So. There are those people that you've known for a really long time and you have pretty much adopted them. They show up at your house every other day and you have random unplanned parties with them. They're there for you through thick and thin, even though you've fought more times than you can count and swore you'd never talk to them again. But that never works because a week can't go by without something happening that you have to tell them about. The smallest things can remind you of an inside joke that no one else would understand. When people are around us together, they wonder if we ever have a normal conversation because we practically speak in code. We're the gang that when we look back at highschool and a little beyond that, those four friends, that's what shows up as the highlight. You three are my family, my best friends and most importantly, my partners in crime. I hope we never forget just how special this superduper cool friendship is.
So here's to us.

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