Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Well, Hello There!

It's been so long! I guess at the end of the school year, I just stopped writing. Not quite sure why, because I love sharing my thoughts here. I think I just forgot to but as best I can, I will blog more often!
Life has been quite fantastic, of late. I have four photoshoots coming up in the next month and I'm working on getting more, I have the sweetest boyfriend on the planet, and life is just good.
Yesterday, the air conditioning in my house went out so it has been rather warm...but someone is supposed to come and fix it today, so hopefully my house will be nice and cool again soon!

It hasn't rained at all lately, a fact that makes me a little sad. I bought these fantastic purple rainboots and can't wait to wear them on the next rainy day.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say for the moment, but I will blog again, soon!!

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