Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dear Memories

When I daydream (k, it happens alot, Algebra II is really boring), it seems like the images in my mind take on a filmish quality. Like old pictures you would find in the attic or basement. Even before moments in my daydreams come true, if they ever do, they become memories. Because that is what life is made of. Memories. It's why I do what I do. For the memory of it. For the smile that will appear on my face long after that moment is past, when I think about that certain time and place.
For the memory of all the laughs we shared and the fun times we had together and the thrill I got whenever I heard your voice saying you'd rather be with me than anywhere else in the world. I don't get those feelings anymore but I still have the memories.
And that's what counts, isn't it?

Monday, January 23, 2012


Spirit week.
Dreaded and anticipated eagerly the whole year round and then it finally hits, head on. Today was the first day of spirit week at my school. My class theme was fairytales so I went the non-conventional route and chose to be an evil queen/witch instead of the (in my opinion) pretty boring option of being a princess. Yuck. Needless to say, I got more than a few scared stares from the elementary children...
I apologize for the insane boringness of the blog at the moment-trust me, I'm dying of the boredom too. Hopefully sometime in the next few weeks I'll be getting a new camera and pictures will be abundant, for sure. Hopefully my inspiration level will be a little higher than it is right now...(right now being zero).
What I'm reading:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith : Interesting insight on the life of immigrants in the early 1900's. Not exactly a favorite so far but not that bad either.
Anna Karennina by Leo Tolstoy: Fascinating book.
And more..but I have no more time!
Carpe Diem,

Sunday, January 22, 2012


It's cloudy and damp outside and the perfect weather for a walk. It's on days like this that I miss Uruguay and the days that were like today, the only difference being that there was nothing that had to be done right at a certain time, there wasn't a schedule to keep or "important" people to go see. One just did what he wanted without worry for priorities and thing that had to be done.
Things were calm and relaxed.
I'm convinced that I could've gone to sleep for six years and wake up and nothing would have changed. The little old lady that sat on the corner of the street for an hour each day would still be there. The park would still be full of kids playing soccer, barefoot. The men at the outdoor bar would still be sitting there, gossipping about anything and everything. My rugby team would still be practicing from nine to eleven at night, bruising and breaking bones but having a wonderful time all the same. Nothing ever changed. That was the beauty of it.
On some days, my dad and I would go on a motorbike ride out in the country. We would ride for hours, completely carefree. We had no destination, we just drove, admiring the beauty of that little country. The clouds would fold up in weird forms that I have yet to see anywhere else and the sky would turn a brilliant hot pink, casting a shade of its color on everything. I thought a storm would be coming but then the pinkness would fade again into a cold light and the sun would start to fall behind the fields.
My heart aches to accurately describe the beauty of it all but I can't.
If I had one wish, I would wish that I could go back to it. Start all over.
I wish that I could have fully appreciated the beauty of that little town in Uruguay.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Today I am the happiest I have been in weeks.
I had a two hour practice with my cheerleading squad and my very talented friend and I found out how to do a double cartwheel. Sometime I'll post a video of us doing it :)
I had forgotten what it was like to have a constant smile on my face and to be truly happy but here I am. Happy.
It's a choice whether or not to be content with Life and I have decided that today I will be happy whether I want to be or not.
I'm not going to let memories ruin my days that could be perfectly fine.
Maybe someday those memories will be good again.
One can only hope.
Carpe Diem,

Friday, January 20, 2012

Hello, World

A few weeks ago, I started a blog with two of my best friends and as I was writing I realized I would also like to have my own private space where I could write about more personal things and things that interest me more. A place where I could pour out what I'm feeling on the rainy days and on the days full of sunshine. I don't care that much who reads my blog, I'm just here to be me and to have an outlet for my feelings.
Who am I?
I'm a girl who doesn't smile as often as I should but when I do, my smile is a real one. I can't hide my feelings very well. If I'm sad, it's obvious. If I'm happy, it's even more obvious.
I love life at all times and hate it only sometimes.
Art is the way I live, the way I think, the way I talk.
I take pictures when I feel like it and hide my camera in a corner under a blanket when I don't even want to think about taking a picture.
I just finished a 365 photo project which I'm not extremely proud of because I know I could have done better but I finished.
I left the one person I've ever loved a month ago. The one person who never failed to make me laugh and blush every single time I talked to him.
Life goes on. Well at least, that's what I'm telling myself.
I dream of being classy but most of my friends would call my style crazy.
I read books more than anyone else I know. Mostly classics, my favorite authors being Leo Tolstoy and Jane Austen.
Well, that's a very incomplete summary of me but it's the best I can do at the moment.

Carpe Diem,