Friday, March 30, 2012

Yesterday was absolutely wonderful. I captured some beautiful pictures of my best friend, then went to Coldstone and had some yummmmyyy ice cream. (if you've never been there, stop what you're doing right now and GO. Actually read the rest of this, then GO)
Zach, my best friend's brother, and I discovered our mutual love for action movies and sat there and talked about them for at least an hour. We then went to Molly's and played Switchfoot and Coldplay and sang to our hearts content.
We watched Dumb and Dummer and I certainly haven't laughed as hard as I did yesterday in awhile....
With that said. Yesterday was perfect.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Photoshoot with the best friend today! I'm excited. We've been pretty much attached at the hip for about two years. We've have our fights and all that fun stuff but in the end, we're still as close as can be. I love her quite a lot.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Today I listened to Nevershoutnever all day.
Got a letter from a dear friend.
Babysat a cutie named Charlie.
Wore jeans and a tshirt.
Loved life.
Have a big headache.
Dats all.
Peace out.

Monday, March 26, 2012

It's spring break and the weather outside is, well, very Springy.
My mom and I are planning a crochet date outside in this wonderful weather.
I don't want to waste this free time. I want to get things done, even though this morning I haven't done a very good job of it, sad to say!
This week I want to:
Read Charles Dickens Unabridged, The Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, and The Heart of Midlothian by Walter Scott.
Make a scarf...maybe.
Do research on scholarships...blah.
Take a couple pictures I'm actually proud of (it's been awhile)
Write a letter to my seventeen year old self.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Since this blog is, after all called dear rainy days, I feel compelled to write on every rainy day. That isn't the only reason though, I love writing. It's freeing and can be beautiful.
It raining outside and I'm sitting on my bed right by the window and I can see the green and purple exploding through the dreariness. It's a beautiful site to behold.
I sit hear and listen to the Civil Wars (I just might be in love) and ponder on the almost perfectness of this day.
I like life right now.
There are times every day where I feel like there really isn't that much to live for but then I remember everything with which I'm blessed. I have SO much that so many don't have. I must make the most I can of it because I only have one chance.
You see that picture up there?
That's my happy face.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Face!

Today started out cruddy but ended fantastically.
I may be on crutches and my soccer game may have been canceled....BUT.
I worked for about two hours, tossing anything that got in my way. My main goal in cleaning my room was to make room for an Artist's Corner. I'm going to get a desk and use ONLY for artistic purposes and for the furthering on my budding photography business. Yes, nerd. I know. But, as my dad once so wisely said "Nerds make money!"
I treated myself to some chocolate ice cream as a reward for my awesome work (if I do say so myself!)

Monday, March 19, 2012

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

Thunder is sounding in the distance and the rain is running in little trails down my window. Today was pretty good. I woke up just in time to get my cleats, shorts and jersey on and then headed to the field for a good practice with my team.
I just got back from the doctor who told me I have a possible stress fracture...Not good news but it's not stopping me from playing. It would take a lot to stop me from playing :p
I think I have a new obsession with the Civil Wars.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy Windsday!

Happy Windsday! (As Winnie the Pooh would say)
It's a blustery day outside, with a high chance of rain so I only thought it appropriate to blog on this beautiful day.
I'm in a wonderful mood today because it's cloudy outside and I'm wearing one of my favorite sweaters...I ran 2.5 miles and I took nice hot shower. I have no homework this week and tomorrow I get to start out my day with soccer. I am one lucky girl.
The only thing that could possibly make it better would be if I could get my room organized. Hmm. I will definitely try to do that sometime soon.
Ohhh it's such a good day! I haven't felt this good about myself and life in quite awhile and I am thoroughly enjoying it. :)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hello You Sunshiney World You!

Today the weather is most glorious, therefore I went on a run with a friend who was kind enough to go with me. We ran two miles and it felt pretty good though I can't honestly say I feel ready for tomorrow's 6:30 am soccer practice! I cannot express to you all the joy I feel in knowing that the season I practically live for will finally be here maƱana!! I am SUPER pumped.
As I'm sure you can tell, I'm in a very good mood on this beautiful day therefore I feel compelled to compile a list of my favorite things about this sunshiny day :)
1. I sat by my best friend in Algebra II today and poked him with a paper clip, causing to almost fall out of his chair :D
2. I already got my daily run in for today.
4. I talked to someone I hadn't talked to in awhile today...Can't say I was particularly thrilled about it, but it was nice to hear from them.
5. I'm almost done with my current book, The Beautiful and Damned (slightly depressing book...consequently I am very glad to be almost done with it)
6. There are revival meetings tonight.
7. The sunshine is trailing through my window and lighting up my whole room :)
8. I just looked up and saw all the Valentine's Day balloons in my room and smiled because of how much I'm loved.
9. I'm about to go take a nice cold shower.
10. My gorgeous orange cat is laying across the bed from me sleeping.
Aaannddd did I mention I'm excited for soccer?!?!
Peace out!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A little late but....

What I want to happen in March:
1. Advance more on my Italian
2. Read through all the Harry Potters and finish C.S.Lewis's Mere Christianity
3. Organize my room so much that I will never be tempted to disorganize it again.
5. Buy a Canon T2i.
6. Be inspired.
7. Create a different form of art from my usual.
8. Score some goals *crosses fingers*
9. Do everything with passion.
10. Be who I want to be.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today, despite the beautiful sunshiney 70 degree weather, I was feeling pretty cloudy. It was just one of those days where nothing really goes wrong but at the same time, nothing goes right. My day did get significantly better after reading for an hour with a friend (both of our moms worked and couldn't pick us up right away...oh the joys of being highschool seniors and still not having a car!). I then, like the nerd that I am, went to a library with my dad and wrote and read a book and theeeennnn did the most non-nerdiest thing I did all day, which was to go running.
Soccer season is next week and I am pumped! Hopefully we have a soccer team...but if we don't, I'll probably play for another league, which is completely fine with me.
Well, I'm off to study Italian!