Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What Can Happen Over a Cup of Coffee

After staying up until an unholy time of night last night, I somehow managed to pull myself out of bed pretty early this morning to go meet a friend for some coffee. I hadn't seen Jill all summer so that definitely made the whole disagreeable getting-out-of-bed part worth it.
Jill and I exchanged summaries of our summer and some of the crazy stuff that had been going on in both of our lives. She delivered the shocking news that her ex-boyfriend, almost fiance, was now gay. Apparently, he had been struggling with it for some time but she had only just found out this summer. The news floored me. How could someone that, by outer appearances, looked so godly and ready to serve the Lord and inwardly be struggling with something that big for a long time? Wow.
Jill took the news as a challenge to become even more outspoken about her faith and to reach out to others who were struggling with the same problem of homosexuality. She's such a challenge to me, that girl.
Honestly, I have been majorly struggling with my walk with the Lord this summer and talking to Jill was like a smack in the face. Jill said 'Every time I'm tempted to sin with my thought life, the way I talk, what I do, I just always tell myself: JESUS IS BETTER.' Isn't that true, guys? Jesus is worth SO much more than the temporary pleasure that sin is going to give you. That phrase is going to stick with me for a long time. It reminds me of Philippians 3:7-10.
But whatever things were gain to me, those things I count as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
And wow. I want to be able to say that that is my life goal too. To count all things as loss for the sake of the gospel. He's worth so much more than anything this earth has to offer.
After our coffee date, I came home and cried and prayed my heart out. I had been living in the shadow of worldliness, not using my life for the purpose for which it was really made. I hope, with the help of Jesus, to begin living my life in a way that honors and glorifies Him and not the world.
I want my life to count for something!
                                                              JESUS IS BETTER.

Monday, July 30, 2012

In the Month of August...

I will:
1. Finish War & Peace
2. Organize my room
3. Stretch more
4. Enjoy the Olympics!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Gang

So. There are those people that you've known for a really long time and you have pretty much adopted them. They show up at your house every other day and you have random unplanned parties with them. They're there for you through thick and thin, even though you've fought more times than you can count and swore you'd never talk to them again. But that never works because a week can't go by without something happening that you have to tell them about. The smallest things can remind you of an inside joke that no one else would understand. When people are around us together, they wonder if we ever have a normal conversation because we practically speak in code. We're the gang that when we look back at highschool and a little beyond that, those four friends, that's what shows up as the highlight. You three are my family, my best friends and most importantly, my partners in crime. I hope we never forget just how special this superduper cool friendship is.
So here's to us.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Well said, Audrey.

Well Hello.

Sometimes, it just takes a picture like this to cheer me up. My little brother cracks me up. Most of the time.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Food for Thought.

People are never what you think they are when you first meet them. Sometimes, after first meeting someone, you believe they're perfect, that there isn't even one flaw to be found. But that is never true, because no one is perfect, no matter how hard they try. 
Flaws are what make a person who they are, though. Without them, they wouldn't be unique and maybe you wouldn't love them as much. Honestly, I think it'd be incredibly boring to be perfect. I may not have done anything very bad in my life, but I know I'm far from being perfect. 
My mind is processing so much right now and I can't figure out half of what I'm thinking. I'm not upset, I'd just like to figure everything out and now have to worry about anymore. 
Why is life so complicated?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

                                                 Words so beautiful, they made my heart hurt.

It's Supposed to Rain Tonight!

It is supposed to rain tonight and this is my happy face! Also, I'm happy because my hair is in a bun with a blue bow pinned just beneath it, I love big earrings and I'm wearing my favorite sweater (and yes, I know, you're not supposed to wear sweaters in the summer...but I love them so I can't help it!) and Mumford&Sons is on repeat. It's a good day.
I got to talk to my best friend for an hour on the phone today and that was quite wonderful. No matter how much time we go without talking, we can always manage to pick up right where we left off and that is wonderful. She truly holds a special place in my heart. :) I love her :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mumford&Sons, Amongst Other Things

Today, July 24, Mumford & Sons announced that they were coming out with a new cd. Upon receiving that news, I immediately pre-ordered the new album and it will be shipped September 25! I am so so excited. Hopefully it's just as good as their previous albums! Have I mentioned that I'm excited?

Today, I also worked for my first time on the floor at Macy's and loved it! The people I worked with and my customers were all great and I had a blast. I made friends with the sweet old man whose wife had recently passed away. He was so sweet! I hope he comes back again sometime soon.

I feel like going to the library and reading War & Peace for a couple of hours. I need to be somewhere where I can concentrate due to the amount of French in the book that I have to decipher. Well, I think I'll head that way!

Peace out world!


P.S. I just saw a picture of Christian Bale. SUCH a heartthrob. He is proof that perfect men do indeed exist.


Monday, July 23, 2012


When I was 10 years old, I watched Newsies for the first time and ever since then I have been quite in love with the wonderful Christian Bale. After watching the newest Batman, it's even worse than ever.

Just clarifying, he's mine. :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

This is just too cute not to share.

Apparently, Mango felt that we needed her benediction on our hand holding. She's cute. Even if she does poop in random places at random times.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Historia de mi vida.


First selfie in awhile! It's not that great, I know but I'm trying. I don't know what has happened to me as far as photography goes. I've been incredibly uninspired lately but I'm trying to get back to what I had during my 365. Inspiration is such a wonderful thing. When I'm truly inspired, I get goose bumps and my heart starts beating faster as I think of what I can do with the thoughts coming to me. I love being an artist.

Right now, I'm listening to One Direction. I KNOW. Sometimes they really cheer me up though. They're just so fun! But I usually listen to Mumford&Sons, Regina Spektor and piano music. 1D is my pickmeup music :)
I'm waiting for David to get here so we can hang out. I'm not sure what we'll be doing but we'll be together so I'm sure it'll be fun! I'm quite excited to spend the day with boy. I like him quite a bit.

Tonight we're going to my first Sporting KC game! I'm excited. Soccer and photography are my two true loves. I probably love both of them more than I've loved just about anything, to be honest.

Well I'm going to read some more of Annie Leibovitz's bio before David gets here!

Have a wonderful, fantastical weekend, world!


Thursday, July 19, 2012


What do you look to for inspiration? Do books inspire you? Pictures? People?
For me, it's all of the above, but mostly books. I'm currently reading Annie Leibovitz's biography and wow. I'm not even done with the first chapter and I already want to reach for my camera and go on a photo adventure. I don't want to photograph places since most of the world has already been photographed in one way or another but I want to make images of people. PEOPLE. Aren't humans an incredible thing? Why wouldn't I want to photography every human alive? Everyone is so unique and amazing in their own way. Anyways, that's just a brief overview of the fantastic winds of inspiration blowing towards me just from one book.

I drank two cups of coffee in one hour this morning. My heart-rate will never ever forgive me, I fear. All through work I kept getting these horrible palpitations. I have arrythmia, which is an irregular beating of the heart and is totally not aided by an excessive intake of caffeine. And let me tell you, I'm addicted to coffee.
Or maybe I'm just addicted more to the idea of coffee. The smell of it, Starbucks, the inherent atmosphere that comes with it all....Ok, maybe you could say I'm a tad bit obsessed. Or in love. Either one works.

I started my new job at Macy's today! The people I've met so far are wonderful and I can see myself having quite a good time there. I'm excited to see how this job will pan out.

Wow, this is a much longer post than I usually write but I had a lot to say!

I'm out for now. Comments? Questions? I'd be happy to hear both.

Until tomorrow,

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

David and I are planning on doing this. Well some of it. Definitely not the pedicure or bubble bath. But I thought it was a super cute idea. So I will keep you all updated with photographs and stories of our adventures together. :)

Well, Hello There!

It's been so long! I guess at the end of the school year, I just stopped writing. Not quite sure why, because I love sharing my thoughts here. I think I just forgot to but as best I can, I will blog more often!
Life has been quite fantastic, of late. I have four photoshoots coming up in the next month and I'm working on getting more, I have the sweetest boyfriend on the planet, and life is just good.
Yesterday, the air conditioning in my house went out so it has been rather warm...but someone is supposed to come and fix it today, so hopefully my house will be nice and cool again soon!

It hasn't rained at all lately, a fact that makes me a little sad. I bought these fantastic purple rainboots and can't wait to wear them on the next rainy day.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say for the moment, but I will blog again, soon!!