Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Change of Plans!
Soooooo, I switched to Wordpress! I'll now be blogging over at dearrainydays.wordpress.com. :) Come visit me over there!
This land is on my heart. And I know that God laid it there, because every time, after I spend time in His word and talking to Him, I feel a yearning to be in Africa, serving Him with all my heart, soul and mind.
When I was younger, I always heard sermons that said 'Just because you become dedicated to God, doesn't mean He's going to send you to Africa or something!', and I always pictured Africa as being this horrible place, because even the evangelists made it sound undesirable. But then I met people who had visited there, and none of them were like other people that I knew. They were changed, and they had left their heart in Africa. You could see the passion in their eyes when they spoke of it and could tell that they were different from you and I.
I want to feel that passion. I want to be where God has called me and to be joyful because I know I'll be in the center of His will.
At the moment, I feel so impatient because I want to be there now.But I know that this, right now, is what God has for me. I can only hope to grow so much closer in my walk with God. I want to grow in my faith, and in my prayer life.
I want to grow in Him. My rock and my fortress, my trust.
When I was younger, I always heard sermons that said 'Just because you become dedicated to God, doesn't mean He's going to send you to Africa or something!', and I always pictured Africa as being this horrible place, because even the evangelists made it sound undesirable. But then I met people who had visited there, and none of them were like other people that I knew. They were changed, and they had left their heart in Africa. You could see the passion in their eyes when they spoke of it and could tell that they were different from you and I.
I want to feel that passion. I want to be where God has called me and to be joyful because I know I'll be in the center of His will.
At the moment, I feel so impatient because I want to be there now.But I know that this, right now, is what God has for me. I can only hope to grow so much closer in my walk with God. I want to grow in my faith, and in my prayer life.
I want to grow in Him. My rock and my fortress, my trust.
I Run To Christ
I run to Christ when chased by fear
And find a refuge sure.
“Believe in me,” His voice I hear;
His words and wounds secure.
And find a refuge sure.
“Believe in me,” His voice I hear;
His words and wounds secure.
I run to Christ when torn by grief
And find abundant peace.
“I too had tears,” He gently speaks;
Thus joy and sorrow meet.
And find abundant peace.
“I too had tears,” He gently speaks;
Thus joy and sorrow meet.
I run to Christ when worn by life
And find my soul refreshed.
“Come unto Me,” He calls through strife;
Fatigue gives way to rest.
And find my soul refreshed.
“Come unto Me,” He calls through strife;
Fatigue gives way to rest.
I run to Christ when vexed by hell
And find a mighty arm.
“The Devil flees,” the Scriptures tell;
He roars, but cannot harm.
And find a mighty arm.
“The Devil flees,” the Scriptures tell;
He roars, but cannot harm.
I run to Christ when stalked by sin
And find a sure escape.
“Deliver me,” I cry to Him;
Temptation yields to grace.
And find a sure escape.
“Deliver me,” I cry to Him;
Temptation yields to grace.
I run to Christ when plagued by shame
And find my one defense.
“I bore God’s wrath,” He pleads my case—
My Advocate and Friend.
And find my one defense.
“I bore God’s wrath,” He pleads my case—
My Advocate and Friend.
Christ is my rock and my refuge, in Him does my soul trust. The last verse is what really hit me, especially after writing all those things about Jesus being better. I can run to HIM, my solid refuge from whatever storm is going on in my life right now. Why does He love me, a dirty, rotten sinner? I don't deserve His love. His love, that can move mountains and calm the sea and I am the recipient of that love. That truth just blows my mind.
Praise God.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
So there's this chic.
Her name is Jill and we are tight. She just graduated from college and I just graduated from highschool and there's a crazy age difference. But we're super close because we have the same desire and that desire is to serve God with all our hearts, souls, and minds. She's the girl I spend hours talking to about what God is doing in my life. She's the girl that challenges me every day to get in the Word and spend time in prayer. She's the girl that gives me backrubs in church and is always there to encourage me.
After I talk to her, I always want to reach for my Bible and have a good long time with Jesus because she has that effect on me.
Jill, thanks for being just the friend God knew I needed. You're the best. I love you.
After I talk to her, I always want to reach for my Bible and have a good long time with Jesus because she has that effect on me.
Jill, thanks for being just the friend God knew I needed. You're the best. I love you.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
I just ordered for myself this sweater and eagerly await it's arrival. I will be living in this, this winter so beware.
God Gave Me You.
We crack ourselves up. I like this boy very muchly. Last night, I had more fun with him that I've had in awhile. He makes me laugh always, even though he tickles me. We always have a good time, but last night was definitely one of the best days with him. David Vincent, I like you.
Work was crazyyyy, today. I worked a 7 hour shift and since it's tax-free weekend, business was insane. I have some really cool co-workers though, so it wasn't as bad as it could've been. The highlight of my day was definitely lunch break, during which I got a coffee and sat down to spend some time in Jesus' Word. It was relaxing and wonderful. I love Jesus because He is better.
Work was crazyyyy, today. I worked a 7 hour shift and since it's tax-free weekend, business was insane. I have some really cool co-workers though, so it wasn't as bad as it could've been. The highlight of my day was definitely lunch break, during which I got a coffee and sat down to spend some time in Jesus' Word. It was relaxing and wonderful. I love Jesus because He is better.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Rainy Morning.
This morning I woke up to the best sound in the world: rain. I smiled and knew it was God's way of waking me up gently this morning. I got dressed for work, got a cup of coffee and sat down to spend some time with my Jesus in His Word. Today, I finished the Bible study in the book of James that I've been doing for seven weeks and I was sad to see it end. I learned and grew so much during these past weeks!
I then left for work, and boy, was it a hard day. I definitely needed that gentle waking or else it could've been a lot worse than it was! I worked at my second job, cleaning after a construction job at a school in the middle of Kansas City. I'm the only white girl with several Mexicans, but thankfully Spanish is my second language so it's not hard to get along with them.
Today, while cleaning, I had the song Lord, Send Me Anywhere on my mind. The line that says Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me. Sever any tie which binds me, save the tie which binds me to thy heart. Wow. 'Can I honestly say that is my prayer?' was the first thought that went through my mind when I began to think about those words and then I remembered what I wrote about in my last post: Jesus is better. He is better than anything which binds my heart to this earth and it is my prayer that God would sever those ties that I have to this earth. I want to be free to do His will, without any worldly desires tying me down.
I want the desires of my heart to be His desires, never mine.
I then left for work, and boy, was it a hard day. I definitely needed that gentle waking or else it could've been a lot worse than it was! I worked at my second job, cleaning after a construction job at a school in the middle of Kansas City. I'm the only white girl with several Mexicans, but thankfully Spanish is my second language so it's not hard to get along with them.
Today, while cleaning, I had the song Lord, Send Me Anywhere on my mind. The line that says Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me. Sever any tie which binds me, save the tie which binds me to thy heart. Wow. 'Can I honestly say that is my prayer?' was the first thought that went through my mind when I began to think about those words and then I remembered what I wrote about in my last post: Jesus is better. He is better than anything which binds my heart to this earth and it is my prayer that God would sever those ties that I have to this earth. I want to be free to do His will, without any worldly desires tying me down.
I want the desires of my heart to be His desires, never mine.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
What Can Happen Over a Cup of Coffee
After staying up until an unholy time of night last night, I somehow managed to pull myself out of bed pretty early this morning to go meet a friend for some coffee. I hadn't seen Jill all summer so that definitely made the whole disagreeable getting-out-of-bed part worth it.
Jill and I exchanged summaries of our summer and some of the crazy stuff that had been going on in both of our lives. She delivered the shocking news that her ex-boyfriend, almost fiance, was now gay. Apparently, he had been struggling with it for some time but she had only just found out this summer. The news floored me. How could someone that, by outer appearances, looked so godly and ready to serve the Lord and inwardly be struggling with something that big for a long time? Wow.
Jill took the news as a challenge to become even more outspoken about her faith and to reach out to others who were struggling with the same problem of homosexuality. She's such a challenge to me, that girl.
Honestly, I have been majorly struggling with my walk with the Lord this summer and talking to Jill was like a smack in the face. Jill said 'Every time I'm tempted to sin with my thought life, the way I talk, what I do, I just always tell myself: JESUS IS BETTER.' Isn't that true, guys? Jesus is worth SO much more than the temporary pleasure that sin is going to give you. That phrase is going to stick with me for a long time. It reminds me of Philippians 3:7-10.
But whatever things were gain to me, those things I count as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
And wow. I want to be able to say that that is my life goal too. To count all things as loss for the sake of the gospel. He's worth so much more than anything this earth has to offer.
After our coffee date, I came home and cried and prayed my heart out. I had been living in the shadow of worldliness, not using my life for the purpose for which it was really made. I hope, with the help of Jesus, to begin living my life in a way that honors and glorifies Him and not the world.
I want my life to count for something!
Jill and I exchanged summaries of our summer and some of the crazy stuff that had been going on in both of our lives. She delivered the shocking news that her ex-boyfriend, almost fiance, was now gay. Apparently, he had been struggling with it for some time but she had only just found out this summer. The news floored me. How could someone that, by outer appearances, looked so godly and ready to serve the Lord and inwardly be struggling with something that big for a long time? Wow.
Jill took the news as a challenge to become even more outspoken about her faith and to reach out to others who were struggling with the same problem of homosexuality. She's such a challenge to me, that girl.
Honestly, I have been majorly struggling with my walk with the Lord this summer and talking to Jill was like a smack in the face. Jill said 'Every time I'm tempted to sin with my thought life, the way I talk, what I do, I just always tell myself: JESUS IS BETTER.' Isn't that true, guys? Jesus is worth SO much more than the temporary pleasure that sin is going to give you. That phrase is going to stick with me for a long time. It reminds me of Philippians 3:7-10.
But whatever things were gain to me, those things I count as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith; that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
And wow. I want to be able to say that that is my life goal too. To count all things as loss for the sake of the gospel. He's worth so much more than anything this earth has to offer.
After our coffee date, I came home and cried and prayed my heart out. I had been living in the shadow of worldliness, not using my life for the purpose for which it was really made. I hope, with the help of Jesus, to begin living my life in a way that honors and glorifies Him and not the world.
I want my life to count for something!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
The Gang
So. There are those people that you've known for a really long time and you have pretty much adopted them. They show up at your house every other day and you have random unplanned parties with them. They're there for you through thick and thin, even though you've fought more times than you can count and swore you'd never talk to them again. But that never works because a week can't go by without something happening that you have to tell them about. The smallest things can remind you of an inside joke that no one else would understand. When people are around us together, they wonder if we ever have a normal conversation because we practically speak in code. We're the gang that when we look back at highschool and a little beyond that, those four friends, that's what shows up as the highlight. You three are my family, my best friends and most importantly, my partners in crime. I hope we never forget just how special this superduper cool friendship is.
So here's to us.
So here's to us.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Well Hello.
Sometimes, it just takes a picture like this to cheer me up. My little brother cracks me up. Most of the time.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Food for Thought.
Flaws are what make a person who they are, though. Without them, they wouldn't be unique and maybe you wouldn't love them as much. Honestly, I think it'd be incredibly boring to be perfect. I may not have done anything very bad in my life, but I know I'm far from being perfect.
My mind is processing so much right now and I can't figure out half of what I'm thinking. I'm not upset, I'd just like to figure everything out and now have to worry about anymore.
Why is life so complicated?
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
It's Supposed to Rain Tonight!
It is supposed to rain tonight and this is my happy face! Also, I'm happy because my hair is in a bun with a blue bow pinned just beneath it, I love big earrings and I'm wearing my favorite sweater (and yes, I know, you're not supposed to wear sweaters in the summer...but I love them so I can't help it!) and Mumford&Sons is on repeat. It's a good day.
I got to talk to my best friend for an hour on the phone today and that was quite wonderful. No matter how much time we go without talking, we can always manage to pick up right where we left off and that is wonderful. She truly holds a special place in my heart. :) I love her :)
I got to talk to my best friend for an hour on the phone today and that was quite wonderful. No matter how much time we go without talking, we can always manage to pick up right where we left off and that is wonderful. She truly holds a special place in my heart. :) I love her :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Mumford&Sons, Amongst Other Things
Today, July 24, Mumford & Sons announced that they were coming out with a new cd. Upon receiving that news, I immediately pre-ordered the new album and it will be shipped September 25! I am so so excited. Hopefully it's just as good as their previous albums! Have I mentioned that I'm excited?
Today, I also worked for my first time on the floor at Macy's and loved it! The people I worked with and my customers were all great and I had a blast. I made friends with the sweet old man whose wife had recently passed away. He was so sweet! I hope he comes back again sometime soon.
I feel like going to the library and reading War & Peace for a couple of hours. I need to be somewhere where I can concentrate due to the amount of French in the book that I have to decipher. Well, I think I'll head that way!
Peace out world!
P.S. I just saw a picture of Christian Bale. SUCH a heartthrob. He is proof that perfect men do indeed exist.
Today, I also worked for my first time on the floor at Macy's and loved it! The people I worked with and my customers were all great and I had a blast. I made friends with the sweet old man whose wife had recently passed away. He was so sweet! I hope he comes back again sometime soon.
I feel like going to the library and reading War & Peace for a couple of hours. I need to be somewhere where I can concentrate due to the amount of French in the book that I have to decipher. Well, I think I'll head that way!
Peace out world!
P.S. I just saw a picture of Christian Bale. SUCH a heartthrob. He is proof that perfect men do indeed exist.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Saturday, July 21, 2012
First selfie in awhile! It's not that great, I know but I'm trying. I don't know what has happened to me as far as photography goes. I've been incredibly uninspired lately but I'm trying to get back to what I had during my 365. Inspiration is such a wonderful thing. When I'm truly inspired, I get goose bumps and my heart starts beating faster as I think of what I can do with the thoughts coming to me. I love being an artist.
Right now, I'm listening to One Direction. I KNOW. Sometimes they really cheer me up though. They're just so fun! But I usually listen to Mumford&Sons, Regina Spektor and piano music. 1D is my pickmeup music :)
I'm waiting for David to get here so we can hang out. I'm not sure what we'll be doing but we'll be together so I'm sure it'll be fun! I'm quite excited to spend the day with boy. I like him quite a bit.
Tonight we're going to my first Sporting KC game! I'm excited. Soccer and photography are my two true loves. I probably love both of them more than I've loved just about anything, to be honest.
Well I'm going to read some more of Annie Leibovitz's bio before David gets here!
Have a wonderful, fantastical weekend, world!
Right now, I'm listening to One Direction. I KNOW. Sometimes they really cheer me up though. They're just so fun! But I usually listen to Mumford&Sons, Regina Spektor and piano music. 1D is my pickmeup music :)
I'm waiting for David to get here so we can hang out. I'm not sure what we'll be doing but we'll be together so I'm sure it'll be fun! I'm quite excited to spend the day with boy. I like him quite a bit.
Tonight we're going to my first Sporting KC game! I'm excited. Soccer and photography are my two true loves. I probably love both of them more than I've loved just about anything, to be honest.
Well I'm going to read some more of Annie Leibovitz's bio before David gets here!
Have a wonderful, fantastical weekend, world!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
What do you look to for inspiration? Do books inspire you? Pictures? People?
For me, it's all of the above, but mostly books. I'm currently reading Annie Leibovitz's biography and wow. I'm not even done with the first chapter and I already want to reach for my camera and go on a photo adventure. I don't want to photograph places since most of the world has already been photographed in one way or another but I want to make images of people. PEOPLE. Aren't humans an incredible thing? Why wouldn't I want to photography every human alive? Everyone is so unique and amazing in their own way. Anyways, that's just a brief overview of the fantastic winds of inspiration blowing towards me just from one book.
I drank two cups of coffee in one hour this morning. My heart-rate will never ever forgive me, I fear. All through work I kept getting these horrible palpitations. I have arrythmia, which is an irregular beating of the heart and is totally not aided by an excessive intake of caffeine. And let me tell you, I'm addicted to coffee.
Or maybe I'm just addicted more to the idea of coffee. The smell of it, Starbucks, the inherent atmosphere that comes with it all....Ok, maybe you could say I'm a tad bit obsessed. Or in love. Either one works.
I started my new job at Macy's today! The people I've met so far are wonderful and I can see myself having quite a good time there. I'm excited to see how this job will pan out.
Wow, this is a much longer post than I usually write but I had a lot to say!
I'm out for now. Comments? Questions? I'd be happy to hear both.
Until tomorrow,
For me, it's all of the above, but mostly books. I'm currently reading Annie Leibovitz's biography and wow. I'm not even done with the first chapter and I already want to reach for my camera and go on a photo adventure. I don't want to photograph places since most of the world has already been photographed in one way or another but I want to make images of people. PEOPLE. Aren't humans an incredible thing? Why wouldn't I want to photography every human alive? Everyone is so unique and amazing in their own way. Anyways, that's just a brief overview of the fantastic winds of inspiration blowing towards me just from one book.
I drank two cups of coffee in one hour this morning. My heart-rate will never ever forgive me, I fear. All through work I kept getting these horrible palpitations. I have arrythmia, which is an irregular beating of the heart and is totally not aided by an excessive intake of caffeine. And let me tell you, I'm addicted to coffee.
Or maybe I'm just addicted more to the idea of coffee. The smell of it, Starbucks, the inherent atmosphere that comes with it all....Ok, maybe you could say I'm a tad bit obsessed. Or in love. Either one works.
I started my new job at Macy's today! The people I've met so far are wonderful and I can see myself having quite a good time there. I'm excited to see how this job will pan out.
Wow, this is a much longer post than I usually write but I had a lot to say!
I'm out for now. Comments? Questions? I'd be happy to hear both.
Until tomorrow,
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Well, Hello There!
It's been so long! I guess at the end of the school year, I just stopped writing. Not quite sure why, because I love sharing my thoughts here. I think I just forgot to but as best I can, I will blog more often!
Life has been quite fantastic, of late. I have four photoshoots coming up in the next month and I'm working on getting more, I have the sweetest boyfriend on the planet, and life is just good.
Yesterday, the air conditioning in my house went out so it has been rather warm...but someone is supposed to come and fix it today, so hopefully my house will be nice and cool again soon!
It hasn't rained at all lately, a fact that makes me a little sad. I bought these fantastic purple rainboots and can't wait to wear them on the next rainy day.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say for the moment, but I will blog again, soon!!
Life has been quite fantastic, of late. I have four photoshoots coming up in the next month and I'm working on getting more, I have the sweetest boyfriend on the planet, and life is just good.
Yesterday, the air conditioning in my house went out so it has been rather warm...but someone is supposed to come and fix it today, so hopefully my house will be nice and cool again soon!
It hasn't rained at all lately, a fact that makes me a little sad. I bought these fantastic purple rainboots and can't wait to wear them on the next rainy day.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say for the moment, but I will blog again, soon!!
Friday, June 1, 2012
It's Been Awhile.
Dear blog, I have neglected you sorely lately. For that, I apologize.
Let's see...Life. It has been amazing.
I don't know how else to put it. I've been smiling and laughing a lot lately because I just can't help it.
I've found someone who knows just how to put a smile on my face and I don't ever want to let him go.
Let's see...Life. It has been amazing.
I don't know how else to put it. I've been smiling and laughing a lot lately because I just can't help it.
I've found someone who knows just how to put a smile on my face and I don't ever want to let him go.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
Out with the old, in with the new

That song means a lot to me right now :)
I'm tan/burnt and tomorrow is the first soccer game of the season. I'm hoping and praying that I can survive tomorrow's game with stress fractured stupid foot. We shall see :)
I will be an adult in two days! Needless to say, I'm so excited...alot. I'm going to Chipotle with my dear friend Jill who is home from college. I love her. She's the only person that actually understands my huge vocabulary. That is very cool.
I just looked back at my list of things to get done in March and I'm pretty sure I didn't do half of the things on there but I did some!
I did:
1) I bought my Canon t2i :D bigsmileyface.
2) Organized the heck out of my room. I still have a good feeling about that :)
3) I was myself.
4) I was inspired.
And now for my April list:
1) Love my friends for who they are and appreciate them more.
2) Play more guitar.
3) Listen to more switch foot and coldplay.
4) Think before I fall.
5) Get JT and I's music group going :D
6) Read my Bible more.
And this was a super long post but it was needed :)
Peace out.
Friday, March 30, 2012

Zach, my best friend's brother, and I discovered our mutual love for action movies and sat there and talked about them for at least an hour. We then went to Molly's and played Switchfoot and Coldplay and sang to our hearts content.
We watched Dumb and Dummer and I certainly haven't laughed as hard as I did yesterday in awhile....
With that said. Yesterday was perfect.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012

It's spring break and the weather outside is, well, very Springy.
My mom and I are planning a crochet date outside in this wonderful weather.
I don't want to waste this free time. I want to get things done, even though this morning I haven't done a very good job of it, sad to say!
This week I want to:
Read Charles Dickens Unabridged, The Essential Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe, and The Heart of Midlothian by Walter Scott.
Make a scarf...maybe.
Do research on scholarships...blah.
Take a couple pictures I'm actually proud of (it's been awhile)
Write a letter to my seventeen year old self.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Since this blog is, after all called dear rainy days, I feel compelled to write on every rainy day. That isn't the only reason though, I love writing. It's freeing and can be beautiful.
It raining outside and I'm sitting on my bed right by the window and I can see the green and purple exploding through the dreariness. It's a beautiful site to behold.
I sit hear and listen to the Civil Wars (I just might be in love) and ponder on the almost perfectness of this day.
I like life right now.
There are times every day where I feel like there really isn't that much to live for but then I remember everything with which I'm blessed. I have SO much that so many don't have. I must make the most I can of it because I only have one chance.
You see that picture up there?
That's my happy face.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Happy Face!

Today started out cruddy but ended fantastically.
I may be on crutches and my soccer game may have been canceled....BUT.
I worked for about two hours, tossing anything that got in my way. My main goal in cleaning my room was to make room for an Artist's Corner. I'm going to get a desk and use ONLY for artistic purposes and for the furthering on my budding photography business. Yes, nerd. I know. But, as my dad once so wisely said "Nerds make money!"
I treated myself to some chocolate ice cream as a reward for my awesome work (if I do say so myself!)
Monday, March 19, 2012
It's Raining, It's Pouring...
Thunder is sounding in the distance and the rain is running in little trails down my window. Today was pretty good. I woke up just in time to get my cleats, shorts and jersey on and then headed to the field for a good practice with my team.
I just got back from the doctor who told me I have a possible stress fracture...Not good news but it's not stopping me from playing. It would take a lot to stop me from playing :p
I think I have a new obsession with the Civil Wars.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Happy Windsday!
Happy Windsday! (As Winnie the Pooh would say)
It's a blustery day outside, with a high chance of rain so I only thought it appropriate to blog on this beautiful day.
I'm in a wonderful mood today because it's cloudy outside and I'm wearing one of my favorite sweaters...I ran 2.5 miles and I took nice hot shower. I have no homework this week and tomorrow I get to start out my day with soccer. I am one lucky girl.
The only thing that could possibly make it better would be if I could get my room organized. Hmm. I will definitely try to do that sometime soon.
Ohhh it's such a good day! I haven't felt this good about myself and life in quite awhile and I am thoroughly enjoying it. :)
Monday, March 5, 2012
Hello You Sunshiney World You!
Today the weather is most glorious, therefore I went on a run with a friend who was kind enough to go with me. We ran two miles and it felt pretty good though I can't honestly say I feel ready for tomorrow's 6:30 am soccer practice! I cannot express to you all the joy I feel in knowing that the season I practically live for will finally be here mañana!! I am SUPER pumped.
As I'm sure you can tell, I'm in a very good mood on this beautiful day therefore I feel compelled to compile a list of my favorite things about this sunshiny day :)
1. I sat by my best friend in Algebra II today and poked him with a paper clip, causing to almost fall out of his chair :D
2. I already got my daily run in for today.
4. I talked to someone I hadn't talked to in awhile today...Can't say I was particularly thrilled about it, but it was nice to hear from them.
5. I'm almost done with my current book, The Beautiful and Damned (slightly depressing book...consequently I am very glad to be almost done with it)
6. There are revival meetings tonight.
7. The sunshine is trailing through my window and lighting up my whole room :)
8. I just looked up and saw all the Valentine's Day balloons in my room and smiled because of how much I'm loved.
9. I'm about to go take a nice cold shower.
10. My gorgeous orange cat is laying across the bed from me sleeping.
Aaannddd did I mention I'm excited for soccer?!?!
Peace out!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
A little late but....
What I want to happen in March:
1. Advance more on my Italian
2. Read through all the Harry Potters and finish C.S.Lewis's Mere Christianity
3. Organize my room so much that I will never be tempted to disorganize it again.
5. Buy a Canon T2i.
6. Be inspired.
7. Create a different form of art from my usual.
8. Score some goals *crosses fingers*
9. Do everything with passion.
10. Be who I want to be.
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Today, despite the beautiful sunshiney 70 degree weather, I was feeling pretty cloudy. It was just one of those days where nothing really goes wrong but at the same time, nothing goes right. My day did get significantly better after reading for an hour with a friend (both of our moms worked and couldn't pick us up right away...oh the joys of being highschool seniors and still not having a car!). I then, like the nerd that I am, went to a library with my dad and wrote and read a book and theeeennnn did the most non-nerdiest thing I did all day, which was to go running.
Soccer season is next week and I am pumped! Hopefully we have a soccer team...but if we don't, I'll probably play for another league, which is completely fine with me.
Well, I'm off to study Italian!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Oh my luve is like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June: Oh my luve is like the melodie,
That's sweetly play'd in tune. As fair art thou, my bonie lass, So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a' the seas gang dry. Till a' the seas gang dry,
my dear, And the rocks melt wi' the sun; And I will luve thee
still, my dear, While the sands o' life shall run. And fare
thee weel, my only luve! And fare thee weel a while! And I will
come again, my luve, Tho' it were ten thousand mile!
This is the most beautiful poem... I've had it in my head the whole day.
All day it rained and the wind blew hard and it made for the most beautiful day. Tomorrow is Leap Day and so, I wish a wonderful Leap Day on all of you!
That's newly sprung in June: Oh my luve is like the melodie,
That's sweetly play'd in tune. As fair art thou, my bonie lass, So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a' the seas gang dry. Till a' the seas gang dry,
my dear, And the rocks melt wi' the sun; And I will luve thee
still, my dear, While the sands o' life shall run. And fare
thee weel, my only luve! And fare thee weel a while! And I will
come again, my luve, Tho' it were ten thousand mile!
This is the most beautiful poem... I've had it in my head the whole day.
All day it rained and the wind blew hard and it made for the most beautiful day. Tomorrow is Leap Day and so, I wish a wonderful Leap Day on all of you!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sometimes things don't make sense. Sometimes, life doesn't make sense. That's when we try to come up with our own conclusions and philosophies on life and we search and search for some meaning in it all.
Such as why there was a kind looking man standing at the intersection holding a sign saying "Will work for food.". Such as why no one stopped to help him but only gazed with pity at his chattering teeth and sad eyes. And then, they simply drove on.
Sometimes, there aren't answers to all the 'why's' in this world.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Just a walk
Quick post before I leave for church!
Today was absolutely beautiful outside. I went on a walk with Abbey Taylor, this crazy awesome chic I know. We went to the park near my house and explored under the old bridge and just sat there and talked. After we came out from under there, this lady stopped and talked to us and said some really beautiful things. She told us about how one time she sat with her friend and ate lunch in the pouring rain and that that was one of her favorite memories. She said "One day, you girls will remember this day and you'll look back on it and smile."
She was so right.
I will remember this gorgeous day for as long as I can.
Life isn't made up of the huge things you do in life, it's made up of the small things you do breather by breathe, moment by moment.
So. Here's to today.
Monday, February 20, 2012
It's raining outside and the sky is grey so I thought it an appropriate day to write.
I didn't have cheer practice so I have my afternoon all to myself and I couldn't be more glad of it.
I might go outside and take some pictures or read a book and just enjoy this beautiful, dreary day. Coffee also sounds delicious :)
The other day, I found out I might be going to Paris and Germany! Needless to say, I'm excited. Sometimes, I can't even begin to describe how incredibly lucky I am. When I listen to my friends talk about their home life, and how they're afraid their mom might leave them, when I hear them say they never sit down and eat dinner with their whole family and when I hear them say they've never been out of the United States and don't understand the joys of knowing a different language, I just want to cry. I am so so so so lucky to have the family that I have... We sit down and eat dinner as a family almost every night, my parents' love for each other is increasingly stronger every day, we fight with each other in different languages and still make up in the end with a Te perdono, y te amo. We sit around and laugh till the tears roll down our faces as we recall memories from Uruguay and Venezuela and all the wonderful, brilliant people we knew there. We aren't rich by any monetary means of the word but we're incredibly rich when it comes to love and the care we have for each other. Sometimes I may be annoyed by my family but I know one thing for certain. I wouldn't trade any of them for anything in the world.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Snow Day

Oh beautiful day! I woke up to the amazing text I've received in awhile and it said SNOW DAY! I smiled and laid in bed for a few minutes and then with my usual nerdiness got up and studied Italian for an hour. Then it was back to bed for me!
At about ten, I got up and made myself some coffee~but shhhh..that's a secret. I'm not technically supposed to have caffiene due to my arrythmia but sometimes I can't help it :)
I then headed out for a photoshoot in the snow. I almost froze to death but all for the sake of photography, right?
Today I sent off three letters to some of my closest friends on this planet. One letter went to New York to my dear friend, Rose Wagner. Another went to Oklahoma to my 'adopted' cousin Jess and the last to the only person with whom I can be truly retarded and get away with it (most of the time, we just laugh and try to talk to each other which results in this incomprehensible gibberish that only we understand) Sarah Leffler.
Tomorrow is Valentine's day... hmm, mixed emotions about this date.
Io habbitiamo en Parigi. I wish :)
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Don't just dream.

Someday, I'll do something great. Something that will change the world.
Strange how we all think like that and expect to suddenly realize those dreams at the drop of a hat, with no work done in between here and then. Wishful thinking, no?
No, to fulfill a dream like that, it will take much more. It will take work, risks, maybe broken hearts and only the ones with enough drive to keep on will survive this cruel race of life.
The race for fame, power, freedom, and for some even immortality.
Immortality in life but even more in the hearts of men for all time. It's a great dream, changing the world is but-
The winners are never just dreamers.
They're also the fighters.
It does not do to dream and forget to live. -Albus Dumbledore
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Dear Memories
When I daydream (k, it happens alot, Algebra II is really boring), it seems like the images in my mind take on a filmish quality. Like old pictures you would find in the attic or basement. Even before moments in my daydreams come true, if they ever do, they become memories. Because that is what life is made of. Memories. It's why I do what I do. For the memory of it. For the smile that will appear on my face long after that moment is past, when I think about that certain time and place.
For the memory of all the laughs we shared and the fun times we had together and the thrill I got whenever I heard your voice saying you'd rather be with me than anywhere else in the world. I don't get those feelings anymore but I still have the memories.
And that's what counts, isn't it?
Monday, January 23, 2012
Spirit week.
Dreaded and anticipated eagerly the whole year round and then it finally hits, head on. Today was the first day of spirit week at my school. My class theme was fairytales so I went the non-conventional route and chose to be an evil queen/witch instead of the (in my opinion) pretty boring option of being a princess. Yuck. Needless to say, I got more than a few scared stares from the elementary children...
I apologize for the insane boringness of the blog at the moment-trust me, I'm dying of the boredom too. Hopefully sometime in the next few weeks I'll be getting a new camera and pictures will be abundant, for sure. Hopefully my inspiration level will be a little higher than it is right now...(right now being zero).
What I'm reading:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith : Interesting insight on the life of immigrants in the early 1900's. Not exactly a favorite so far but not that bad either.
Anna Karennina by Leo Tolstoy: Fascinating book.
And more..but I have no more time!
Carpe Diem,
Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's cloudy and damp outside and the perfect weather for a walk. It's on days like this that I miss Uruguay and the days that were like today, the only difference being that there was nothing that had to be done right at a certain time, there wasn't a schedule to keep or "important" people to go see. One just did what he wanted without worry for priorities and thing that had to be done.
Things were calm and relaxed.
I'm convinced that I could've gone to sleep for six years and wake up and nothing would have changed. The little old lady that sat on the corner of the street for an hour each day would still be there. The park would still be full of kids playing soccer, barefoot. The men at the outdoor bar would still be sitting there, gossipping about anything and everything. My rugby team would still be practicing from nine to eleven at night, bruising and breaking bones but having a wonderful time all the same. Nothing ever changed. That was the beauty of it.
On some days, my dad and I would go on a motorbike ride out in the country. We would ride for hours, completely carefree. We had no destination, we just drove, admiring the beauty of that little country. The clouds would fold up in weird forms that I have yet to see anywhere else and the sky would turn a brilliant hot pink, casting a shade of its color on everything. I thought a storm would be coming but then the pinkness would fade again into a cold light and the sun would start to fall behind the fields.
My heart aches to accurately describe the beauty of it all but I can't.
If I had one wish, I would wish that I could go back to it. Start all over.
I wish that I could have fully appreciated the beauty of that little town in Uruguay.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Today I am the happiest I have been in weeks.
I had a two hour practice with my cheerleading squad and my very talented friend and I found out how to do a double cartwheel. Sometime I'll post a video of us doing it :)
I had forgotten what it was like to have a constant smile on my face and to be truly happy but here I am. Happy.
It's a choice whether or not to be content with Life and I have decided that today I will be happy whether I want to be or not.
I'm not going to let memories ruin my days that could be perfectly fine.
Maybe someday those memories will be good again.
One can only hope.
Carpe Diem,
Friday, January 20, 2012
Hello, World
A few weeks ago, I started a blog with two of my best friends and as I was writing I realized I would also like to have my own private space where I could write about more personal things and things that interest me more. A place where I could pour out what I'm feeling on the rainy days and on the days full of sunshine. I don't care that much who reads my blog, I'm just here to be me and to have an outlet for my feelings.
Who am I?
I'm a girl who doesn't smile as often as I should but when I do, my smile is a real one. I can't hide my feelings very well. If I'm sad, it's obvious. If I'm happy, it's even more obvious.
I love life at all times and hate it only sometimes.
Art is the way I live, the way I think, the way I talk.
I take pictures when I feel like it and hide my camera in a corner under a blanket when I don't even want to think about taking a picture.
I just finished a 365 photo project which I'm not extremely proud of because I know I could have done better but I finished.
I left the one person I've ever loved a month ago. The one person who never failed to make me laugh and blush every single time I talked to him.
Life goes on. Well at least, that's what I'm telling myself.
I dream of being classy but most of my friends would call my style crazy.
I read books more than anyone else I know. Mostly classics, my favorite authors being Leo Tolstoy and Jane Austen.
Well, that's a very incomplete summary of me but it's the best I can do at the moment.
Carpe Diem,
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